Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finally Getting Settled In

I can't believe that we've been in Arizona for almost two months now! In some ways it feels so much longer and in others, the time has just flown by. Either way, we are definitely feeling more settled and we are beginning to understand the appeal of Arizona winters. The weather has been consistently BEAUTIFUL for the last several weeks. In fact, I can't remember the last icky day that we've had. It's usually 70 degrees or warmer every day, sunny and cloudless skies. I have a feeling I won't be loving the desert weather in just a few months, but I am definitely loving it right now.

I took the last couple of days off of work to try to get a few things done around the house. And as life goes, I only got a few of the projects I had in mind accomplished. I'll admit it, I'm a bit of a procrastinator. But I did manage to get my kitchen and laundry room organized, the house cleaned top to bottom, all the laundry and ironing done, the bills paid and even found time to make lunches for Andrew to take to work. Andrew also helped me move my grandparents' China Hutch into the dining room. I am so happy to finally have this particular piece of furniture in because this is my little piece of Garth and Lorraine Empey in my home. I lost my grandpa in November and grandma back in May of 2007 so to have something of theirs in our home means a lot to me. It's absolutely beautiful and I am so glad that it didn't get damaged in the move.

Andrew is excited to get started on the back yard. He has so many good ideas for what to do with our plot of dirt. I am so excited to see what he does with it! He is so creative and will make it beautiful. He has managed to recruit a couple of the other agents to help him til the ground, which I understand is mostly clay and very hard. So I say Good Luck to them. I'll be inside. I'm sure Baxter will be out there trying to help. He's pretty curious about the projects that go on here at home, and is always trying to stick his nose in. He's such a good helper! We'll keep you all updated on the progress of the backyard. Don't hold your breath though, I have a feeling it will take a while.

We have managed to find a few friends who like to play board games with us. Sunday evenings are usually spent with Paul and Melissa and their baby girl Ryann, playing Ticket to Ride, Carcassone and Rhinelander. We are so glad that they will play with us! We have missed playing with my brothers, Erik and David, sister Krista and her husband Steve so much! So it's been very nice to have people down here to do that with. This last Sunday we invited one of Andrew's buddies from work to come and play and he brought his girlfriend along. It was fantastic! They had a great time and I'm sure they will be back.

I managed to find a new background...you like? I just need help with a new template and fancy accessories. So here is my plea to everyone to help me! Thanks to Katey for her help with the background! Let me know what help anyone can offer!

Lots of love to you all! Miss you and there is an open invitation to everyone to come and visit! It's the best time of the year to be here!


Karyn said...

What?!? You don't miss US? J/K, I know your every waking moment is spent wishing you could be with your most beloved big sister. :) I'm glad things are settling down- can't wait for June!

Jessica said...

I'm glad that everything is going well for you in Arizona. I'm jealous of your nice weather!