Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Family Visit

We had a few visitors this past weekend! My sister Karyn, her husband and kids, and even my mom, made the 13 hour drive from SLC to Sierra Vista, AZ. We had a blast! They made it down here on Saturday afternoon and just left this morning. The house is really really quiet without the six other people and we miss them already.
Saturday we colored Easter eggs and relaxed. It has been like 15 years since I've colored eggs but the kids were pros! Andrew's Halloween Jack-o-Lantern egg was the best, in my opinion.
Sunday Andrew began his new shift (days) and wasn't able to go with us to Bisbee. We also took a detour to the border so that the fam could see the border fence themselves. I think they were a little nervous about it, so we didn't spend too much time there. But we did take a tour through one of the museums in Bisbee and they definitely liked that! We got to learn a little bit more of the history of Bisbee (it was actually a really big city back in the day, it had a huge copper mine) and tried to go visit the haunted Copper Queen Hotel. I had gotten the kids all excited about seeing some ghosts there but we weren't able to take a look. Felt a little bad about that. :) The rest of Sunday we spent relaxing at home, playing games and hanging out.
Monday we decided to head out to Tombstone. What a cool little town! They have tried really hard to keep the old western town feeling alive and if there weren't 15 gift shops to every one historical marker, I'd almost believe I was there! We watched the gunfight at the O.K. Corral (or Coral as Lara called it) and even got a little bit of a sunburn. It was pretty cool to see the Old West come to life a little bit.
Anyways, we had a great time with the Gustafson clan and Mom. Hope that they will come back soon! Love you guys lots!
P.S. Everyone has an open invitation. Just let us know when you are coming! :)


Alana Lange said...

Sounds fun! We need to make a trip down there soon. Just find us some extra time and $$ :)

CoLa said...

That does sound fun. Spending time with family should always be at the top of our list. I'm glad they were able to go see you.