Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's 10:30 at night and I'm waiting for Andrew to come home. He won't be home for a few hours still but I'm excited to see him. The roughest part about our new life here in AZ is how little time we actually spend together right now. Andrew works from around 3:00 pm til around midnight and I'm at work from 8:15 am til around 8:30 pm. We don't see each other unless I wake him up in the mornings. (Which he HATES because he's tired. He even wears his shooting range ear protector thingies while I'm using the hair dryer in the morning so it drowns out the noise. It's pretty funny. Will have to take a picture of it.) I'm grateful that we have one day a week, Sundays, to spend together. We usually spend it with Baxter, or going for a drive. It's the one day of the week that I look forward to most. It kind of makes the rest of the week worth it. Plus, I know that this isn't a permanent thing. We are making temporary sacrifices for the things that we want long term. Andrew is working hard now so that he can provide a great life for our family later on down the road. And I am so grateful to him for doing that. He's pretty awesome!

So Baxter has this new thing where he torments the dogs next door to us. They have a boxer that is out in their backyard pretty much all the time and loves to bark at Baxter. Our little dog has some mad hops and can almost jump over the cinder block fence (it's probably almost 5 feet tall. I don't know, I'm horrible at guessing.) and that makes the other dog absolutely CRAZY! So here's this little mini schnauzer jumping over the fence and the boxer on the other side is jumping too. But they don't jump at the same time! One is down while the other is up and they are both barking at each other! It's pretty humorous to watch. Guess it's one of those things that you just have to see for yourself. Or maybe that it's 10:45 at night and I have a fever. :)


Jill Stones said...

I am glad you started a blog, now I can actually know you guys are still alive:) Use your phone Bop. It sounds things are settling in nice. We need pictures of your house. I am excited to see what it looks like. love you both...Jill

michaelangelo said...

Hi Annalise,

You should take a video of the bouncing neighbor dogs and post it here on your blog, it sounds pretty cute! Hope all is well with you two down there - stay warm, we miss you!