Thursday, February 11, 2010

Big News (for us anyways!)

While we were in Utah this last week we finally got to share our exciting news! Andrew and I are expecting our first baby at the end of July! (Sorry the pic is kind of blurry, we couldn't get the settings quite right.) Andrew sewed that little patch on the shirt for me. Isn't he sweet?

We found out that we were pregnant on November 20. We saw the sac a few weeks later (a big relief!), saw the heartbeat on December 17, heard the heartbeat on January 28 and have another appointment on February 18. That one will be our 16 week check up so we might be finding out if it's a boy or a girl then. We are both leaning towards a boy but will be just as happy if we're wrong and it's a girl. I haven't been too sick yet, which is great because neither Andrew or I do well with vomit. I have been pretty tired and moody, more of that to come I'm sure, but overall feeling pretty good. We just feel like this is our little miracle. You don't realize how hard it is to get pregnant, stay pregnant, and have a healthy baby. I am so excited to go through this journey and am lucky enough to have my best friend to go through it with. Andrew is going to be an amazing father and I am so happy that I get to make his dream come true. We have wanted this for so long and it's finally happening! There's been a lot of heartache and disappointment, frustration and sadness, but at the end of it all, we are going to have a beautiful child that we created together. We know that no matter what, we are a family and this is just the beginning for us.


Swain Family said...

AHHHH! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is SO exciting and I'm totally impressed you kept it a secret this long! I'm so glad you are feeling pretty good too! (My guess is a boy, I did way better with my boys! lol.) I am so happy for you guys!!

Katey said...

This is HUGE news! I am so happy for you! Keep up with the blogging! I want details =) LOVE TO YOU GUYS!

afacer said...

Congrats again... and so happy to hear things are going well! :)

Jeff, Wendy, and Austin said...

The Fox Family is very excited for you all. It will be exciting to see you two grow with this little one. It was awesome to see you both. Miss you already.
Whatever sex the baby is...just remember to tell it that Aunt Wendy is the bestest.

Jill Stones said...

So Aunt Wendy is not the bestest...AJ (aunt Jill) :) Sorry we missed you, instead we get to fork out 2000 dollars for a new transmission:( We missed you but are so excited for a new addition to the Lange gang!! Yahoo!