Monday, December 7, 2009


I guess since it's been a little while since we've posted anything I should play a little bit of "catch up". We've been busy with work and projects around the house but it seems like I should still have plenty of time for blogging. Especially since this seems to be the only way we document things that are going on in our lives.

So anyways, Andrew had a great birthday. I think he has finally dealt with the fact that he is now 29. :) I keep telling him that he's only as old as he feels and since he's just a kid at heart anyways, 29 aint so bad.

We had a pretty low-key Thanksgiving this year. We invited our friends Paul and Melissa over and since both Andrew and Melissa had to work Wednesday night/Thursday morning and Thursday night/Friday morning, we ate at like 5 and we were done by 7. Oh and this year I made my first turkey! All by myself! Well with some help over the phone from Karyn in UT. It actually turned out pretty well. The timer popped like it was supposed to and it tasted good enough for people to eat. No one got sick and I guess we'll be doing another one next year. And I also got to make some of Andrew's mom's stuffing (thanks to Alana for the directions!) and he LOVED it! I'm still getting appreciation for that! I love it! Oh and we had one of Andrew's buddies from work stop by and eat too. His family is all in North Dakota and he couldn't be with them so he came and hung with us. He's a really nice guy and we're always happy to have other agents over. Man, those boys can eat! :)

Now we are well into December and we haven't even bothered with Christmas decorations. Sorry. Bah humbug or something I guess. Andrew has been super busy getting the inside of the house painted and since that is sucking all the energy out of us, we decided to only get out minimal decorations this year. We bought a new sectional couch and fireplace for Christmas and since there wont' be any presents to open on Christmas morning, we figured we'll make it easy on ourselves. Besides, Christmas isn't defined by the tree or the ornaments or the decorations. It's about the spirit that resides in your heart and in your home. We are making sure to carry those things with us, in spite of the fact that there's no tree.

Speaking of Andrew's painting...he is awesome! When we bought our house the walls were painted just that boring "bone white." It's horrible. We feel like we've been living in an insane asylum for the last year. We finally got paint colors selected and Andrew has been working like crazy to get the place painted. So far he's got most of the living room done and I think the kitchen is up next! It looks so fantastic and I can't wait to put up the before and after pics. I am one lucky lady to have such a good husband. If you're wondering why I'm not helping, it's because I've been forbidden. I am no good at painting and have a way of creating more work for Andrew so I'm allowed to tape and that's pretty much it.

Andrew is staying busy at work. He will be switching shifts in just a few weeks which we both are excited about. He won't feel like such a zombie all the time. Midnight shifts have been tough but I thing swings are still my least favorite. I am so proud of him and appreciate what he does. It's sad to see the lack of respect that the local people have for the agents down here. They get flipped off, spit at, yelled at, etc. just for doing their job and keeping us safe. So I like to take the chance, any chance I get, to let him and his co-workers know how much I appreciate them. Love you Andrew!

One final thing....we are heading to Utah for a little visit February 5-10, 2010. My awesome siblings and parents all pitched in for airfare as a Christmas gift and we are SO excited to go home! We are thinking of doing a big family get-together or something while we are there so keep some time available if you'd like to see us!

Hope these next few weeks are wonderful and filled with the magic of Christmas! Love you all!


Melaina and Ben said...

Hey! Girl we need to do lunch if we can!!! :)

Katey said...

Merry Christmas! I am doing bad at this blogging thing! Life sure gets busy. We should do a GNO while your home if you can fit it in =D Let me know. And tell Andrew thanks from us as well! We love ALL service men and women. What great work they do for all of us!

Jeff, Wendy, and Austin said...

I cannot wait to see you both! I also am proud as HECK of my younger brother. Proud of my sis in law also. It isn't easy leaving family and job to support her husband. Thank you for taking care of him. Love you both.
The Foxy one....ha ha