I am surprised at how quickly my pregnancy is flying by! I feel every time the little boy moves, hiccups, everything! And I love it! I've been so fortunate to have an easy pregnancy but I wanted to kind of document some of the things I've experienced so far.
I have only thrown up three times. I know, I know, I'm pretty lucky. Apparently baby doesn't like greasy food because that's what will push the vomit button. I never really had morning sickness but I do get some really terrible headaches. I'll take headaches over morning sickness any day though. :)
No really strong cravings for anything either. Other than maybe sweets. You know those gummy peach rings? LOVE those! And juice. Like fruit juice. That's about it though. In fact, there are more things that DON'T sound good than do. Which is weird. I thought for sure I'd have a lot of very strong cravings but so far nothing too out of the ordinary.
The only real "pregnancy" symptom I've experienced so far has been a couple days of swollen ankles and feet. But then I got smart and realized that the more I walk and the more active I continue to be, the less swollen my feet get. I'm very glad for this knowledge so early on, because those tree trunks for legs were really starting to scare me!
I guess the other "pregnancy" symptom is that I'm finally starting to really show and it's enough that random people will stop me to ask me when I'm due, what I'm having, if I have a name picked out, etc. Which is totally fun! I'm so glad I no longer just look fat. It's so cool feeling my stomach getting harder and bigger and my little buddy moving around. He's so active at night but it doesn't bother me. I just love feeling his little reminders that he's there and happy.
I really love how excited Andrew is to be a dad. Our next door neighbors just had their little boy on Friday the 16 and we went to visit them earlier this evening and watching Andrew get so excited over their little guy almost brought me to tears. He's going to be such a great dad to our children and an amazing partner to me. I am so blessed and grateful for all of him!
Oh, we are starting our childcare/birthing classes in a couple of weeks. It's crazy that we're getting close enough to the end that we are starting this stuff! I LOVE IT! I am so excited to do it all!
On another note, my brother David and his girlfriend Kristina came down this weekend for a couple of days. We loved having them here! They are a great couple and we had a lot of fun with them. They were up for anything and that makes life a whole lot more interesting. Friday we spent the day in Bisbee, AZ and down on the border. We even got an opportunity to take them on a little self guided tour of Andrew's station and I think it really surprised them how dangerous his job is.
Then Saturday we went to the Pima County Fair and had some pretty interesting adventures there. I'd never been to any kind of a fair before at all, but as soon as I saw all the food stands, I knew this was my kind of place. :) We had great weather and a fun filled day. The only downer was that some crazy fair employee got a little carried away with his golf cart and ran over Kristina's foot! Literally! She's doing fine but the jerk wouldn't get out of his cart to check on her or take her to the first aid station or anything! I was so mad! The fair directors were very kind and wanted to make sure everything was alright after Kristina got checked out by the EMT's and have been following up with us since we left.
After all that excitement we decided to make Sunday a little more relaxing so we let the boys go golfing. Kristina and I tagged along, mostly so we could drive the golf carts. :) The course was very pretty and we had a good time. I think Andrew ended up winning by like 2 strokes but after probably 2 holes I don't think they actually kept score all that closely. The important thing is that Dave and Andrew had fun and based on the length of the naps when we got home, I'd say they had a blast!
So now we are back to our normal lives for a little longer. The end of July will be here before we know it and we'll be posting pictures of our son. (That's almost weird to say, but in a good way!) Until then we have lots to do and hopefully a baby shower in Utah to go to! We're still working out the details but I'd love to make it up there for a quick visit and to be able to spend time with family and friends.
I guess I should own up to the fact that I turned 28 recently as well. Andrew was SO sweet to me and made it a very special birthday. When he first started asking me what I wanted for my birthday all I could think of was stuff for the baby. He went with that idea and decided to build the nursery for me. He designed it and was going to have it totally finished without me knowing (girlfriends were supposed to keep me out of the house for a day or so) but I kinda ruined that plan without knowing it. But it's the thought that counts and I can't think of anything more thoughtful! So besides breakfast in bed, he bought me several Bath and Body Works candles, lotions and bubbles. LOVE it ALL! He's such a good husband! After dinner at Outback the finishing touch was Andrew's homemade birthday cake. I seriously can not believe him sometimes. He really is my Superman! Love you baby! You made turning 28 pretty great! Can't wait to spend the rest of our birthdays together.